Monday, October 21, 2013


こんばんわ!I like Japanese food a lot because I am a pescatarian and I can only eat さかなとくだものとやはい。That is why I like Japanese food とてもmuch. I also really love すし。Some of my favorite さはな is まぐろとたらとさんま。My favorite くだもの are いちご、ともも、とすいか、とりんご。I like all 安い。^^ I also really like to cook! I have never cooked たべもののにほほんですが I have cooked たべもののかなきく。I have never been to にほん but I have been to かんしょくand had really yummy authentic すしのにほん. It was とてもおいしい! Yum! おいしい!


  1. くだものと さかなと やさいは おいしいですね。 とても きれいな しゃしんです。I enjoyed reading your post, but I would highly recommend you pick one language and stick to it until you finish a sentence.

    1. どうもあおきTA. I will keep your suggestions in mind when writing my next post.

  2. You look like you love Japanese food so much! I can tell it by how your explanations! I love Japanese food too. I hope you will find more yummy food in when you come to Japan!
    I’m going to talk about my daily life. I go to Ritumeikan University by bicycle. I have lots of English classes. Since my English teachers are very funny, I got more interested in learning English. I am also learning business. Learning in University got more fun these days. Other than studying, I’m having fun at two circles, city development and dance. I made lots of new friends. Talking to them makes my day great. These days I’m having a very busy day practicing dancing. I practice until the midnight. I have many homework, but when I go home, I ‘m too tired to open my backpack.
